pygtfs - a database backed python gtfs interface!

Get it

The source is available on github:

Basic usage

To include pygtfs functionality in your application, use import pygtfs.

The first thing you need to to is to create a new schedule object:

sched = pygtfs.Schedule(":memory:")

This will create an in memory sqlite database. Instead you can supply a filename to be used for sqlite (such as (‘gtfs.sqlite’), or a sqlalchemy database connection.

Then you can load gtfs feeds into the databas, by using append:

pygtfs.append_feed(sched, "")

Where the gtfs feed can be either a .zip file, or a folder full of .txt files. You can add as many feeds as you want into a single database, without fear of conflicts (but you can two stop names for one place, one from each feed for example). Another option to load feeds is to use the ‘gtfs2db’ script as explained later.

The Schedule object represents a collection of objects that correspond to the contents of a GTFS feed. You can get the list of agencies, stops, routes, etc. with fairly straightforwardly named attributes, see pygtfs.schedule for more details.

>>> sched.agencies
[<Agency BART: Bay Area Rapid Transit>, <Agency AirBART: AirBART>]
>>> sched.routes
[<Route AirBART: >, <Route 01: >, <Route 03: >, <Route 05: >, <Route 07: >, <Route 11: >]

For GTFS entities that are identified by a dataset-unique identifier, there is also a function to get them by id:

>>> sched.agencies_by_id('AirBART')
[<Agency AirBART: AirBART>]
>>> sched.stops_by_id('SFIA')
[<Stop SFIA: San Francisco Int'l Airport>]

The GTFS entity objects have attributes that correspond in name to the field definitions in the [GTFS reference](

>>> sched.stops_by_id('SFIA')[0].stop_name
u"San Francisco Int'l Airport"
>>> sched.routes[1].route_long_name
u'Pittsburg/Bay Point - SFIA/Millbrae'

GTFS entities which cross-reference each other can also be obtained straightforwardly with attributes (again, see “Reference” below for full details):

>>> sched.trips_by_id('01SFO10').service  # the service associated with trip 01SFO10
<Service WKDY (MTWThFSSu)>

gtfs2db install will also install a command-line script gtfs2db that takes a GTFS zip file or directory as an argument and will load the data into a database usable with pygtfs. Run gtfs2db –help for more.

Detailed refernce

The best place to start is pygtfs.schedule

Indices and tables